Three teachers smiling and giving thumbs up with text overlay "The Top 10 Resources for Your Best Year Yet"

The Top 10 Resources for Your Best Year Yet

We’re all about effective teaching in this corner of the internet, but having your best year yet can mean needing the wisdom of fellow educators and experts in the field.

Knowing where to start gathering resources can be challenging.

Read on to discover my top 10 resources to help you achieve your dream teaching year.

You might even find my own Subscriber Hub to help you on your way. It’s full of free goodies to inspire and empower you throughout the year.

Click here to access the Subscriber Hub now.

#1. Book: The Highly Effective Teacher

Yes, we’re all about learning from the comfort of our homes and computers, but sometimes you just need a good ol’ book to get the job done. 

The Highly Effective Teacher: 7 Classroom-Tested Practices That Foster Student Success by Jeff C. Marshall is my bible for the foundational effective teaching practices.

The book helps teachers look at their work with intentionality, beginning with a needs assessment across all seven areas of effective practice.  Each chapter dives into one of the practices with guiding questions, sage advice, and practical solutions to frequent challenges teachers face.

My favorite quote that I live by to this day is “Excellent teaching is not an inherited skill.  It demands intentional and persistent effort.” 

Do you have a favorite quote?

#2. Podcast: The Cult of Pedagogy 

I have no idea what my teaching and coaching would look like without the sounds of Jennifer Gonzalez in my ears. 

She and her team have inspired me these last few years.  I love the full episodes as well as the newer EduTips, which are bite-sized podcasts offering a single actionable strategy you can use right away.

Specific Episode Recommendation: #197: How to Leverage Multisensory Learning in Your Classroom is a great one to get started on. It can be so overwhelming diving into a new podcast world. 

#3. We Are Teachers 

When I first started following We Are Teachers on Facebook, I was still in the early stages of setting up Empowered Educators.

Now We Are Teachers is a page I consistently refer to, and it always reminds me of the importance of surrounding ourselves with supportive people who are with us in the teaching journey. They also have some great tongue-in-cheek posts for a good laugh now and then.

Give We Are Teachers a follow and tell them hello from Empowered Educators!

#4. Toolkit: ABCs of Responding to Challenging Behavior

In my early days of teaching, I was on the lookout for tips on classroom management and dealing with challenging behavior, but nothing felt quite right.

Every time I tried to manage my classroom following others’ guidance, I kept getting stuck.  This was because I didn’t understand that my students were using behavior because it was getting a need met.

What I really needed was something that would help me understand what was being communicated by the behavior in a quick and easy way, without wasting my time on management strategies that weren’t working. So I created it, and now you can save all that trial and error in your best year yet! 

Access the free ABCs of Responding to Challenging Behavior toolkit here to get:

  • Video guidance on understanding causes of behavior and what may be unintentionally reinforcing it
  • Actionable steps to track a student’s behavior so you can respond in ways that are most appropriate to that student’s needs 
  • A fillable tracking form and infographic with handy reminders of the process

#5. YouTube: Edutopia

When you need to know everything related to innovative practices in education, Edutopia’s YouTube channel has you covered. 

Their videos are helpful and entertaining at the same time. 

Perfect when you’re ready to take things to the next level in your classroom. 

Have a look at their video on how culturally responsive practices help students connect to school

#6. TED talk: Rita Pierson

The first thing after I wake up and do my morning journaling on the weekends is to watch an inspirational TED talk. It feels a little like everyone in my own bubble has seen Every kid needs a champion by Rita Pierson.

Just in case it has passed you by… Run, don’t walk, and watch her TED talk right now.  

It will inspire you to recommit to being a champion for each of your students. It reminds me of my favorite quote, from Uri Bronfenbrenner: “Every child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about them.” 

The Ted talk reminds me how I can be a champion for the young people in my life, and maybe be that one adult who makes all the difference for them.

#7. Yours Truly 

That’s you, not the TV show! 

Yes, YOU are one of your best resources when it comes to having your best year yet. 

All of your personal and professional experiences come together to make you the most qualified teacher that you can be.

Remember: The other resources in this post can inspire and guide you, but you are the only one who knows the ins and outs of your classroom and the students you work with on a daily basis. 

Your accumulated know-how, gained through trials and triumphs over your time in the classroom, equips you to navigate any challenge that comes your way. So, lean into your own unique insights and keep igniting those “aha” moments that drive real learning.

As 2023 National Teacher of the Year, Rebecka Peterson says, “We also need to work in our communities to make sure teachers feel valued and loved… for me that begins by celebrating the important work that our teachers do for our students, our families, and our communities every day. We are what we celebrate.”

#8. Resource Hub: Brené Brown’s Daring Classrooms 

If you’re not quite comfortable seeing yourself as a beacon of light for effective teaching, I completely understand. Sometimes it’s hard for us to trust our own inner voice.

If that’s the case, let Brené Brown show you how to lead in your classroom and school with courage and open-heartedness. 

Brown started out researching vulnerability, shame, and empathy.  She has written multiple books and is a renowned speaker on these topics as well as courage and daring leadership.  Brown has been instrumental in my own personal journey as an educator. I use her teachings to truly connect with my students and create safe, empowering classrooms where students can thrive.

She says, “We must be guardians of spaces that allow students to breathe, be curious, and to explore the world and be who they are without suffocation. They deserve one place where they can rumble with vulnerability and their hearts can exhale.”  Isn’t that the most poignant thing you’ve ever heard?

Here’s the first video I ever saw from Brené Brown. It’s what really got me going with building authentic relationships with my students and colleagues. 

And I absolutely love her stories about dancing around in the kitchen with her family!

#9. Industry Magazine: Educational Leadership

Now we’re going all high-brow!

The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)  has the EL Magazine to give you expert tips. The magazine covers the latest trends in education and peer guidance from educators, for educators. 

You may not be an expert yet on innovative teaching practices, but the fastest way to get there is to learn from those who are.

These are the voices that shape our education community for the better, and it’s time to sit up and take notice.

They cover everything from effective teaching and learning strategies, to ed tech, and social justice.

I like to check in once a month when the new issue releases just to see what’s happening in the education world.  I especially love the Advisory on current trends and great ideas, which helps keep me on the cutting edge of effective teaching.

#10. 5-Day Challenge

I saved the best for last (ok, maybe I’m biased!) because the Stump the Slump 5-day challenge is a set of quick emails providing tips and daily actions on one stress-relieving topic each day to help you reduce burnout and feel re-energized for the rest of the school year.

The fact that you made it to the end of this post is how I know you’re serious about having your best year yet.

If you’ve been trying to be the best teacher you can be but you are feeling stressed or burnt out and aren’t sure how to move through that, this is your answer.

You’ll get five days of inspiring actions to respond to school stress and feel totally energized as you rock your way through the challenge! Sign up by clicking on the image below.

Anything you would add to this list?

Let me know in the comments! I’m always on the lookout for useful resources to help teachers feel empowered in your work and able to create amazing learning environments for your students.

It’s actually why I started Empowered Educators. I was on a quest to be a better teacher for years, but I was often running into burnout and frustration as I tried to implement too many things from different experts.  

I hope you are now feeling inspired to take on the rest of the year as your best year yet.  And you can come back to this curated list for inspiration when you need it.

You can always find me on Instagram and Facebook sharing tips on effective teaching and classroom management.

Join the fun!