AI head and computer connection image overlaid with text: "AI in the Classroom: 4 Things You Should Do Now"

AI in the Classroom Update: 4 Things You Should Do Now

You and I have been in education for a little while now, right? (Can you believe it’s been over 20 years in my case?!)

That doesn’t make it any easier when new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) emerge and upend our normal ways of teaching.

I hope you’ve managed to keep a clear head and are ready to embrace AI in the classroom as a supplement to your teaching.

If you’re wondering just how to go about that and what you should be doing now to keep your students’ use of AI moving in a productive direction, you’re in luck!

In today’s post, I’m going to cover what has changed, how it affects your classroom, and outline 4 specific things you should do now to embrace AI so you can leverage it and help your students use it most effectively.

Ready? Let’s get into leveraging AI in the classroom!

What is AI in the Classroom All About?

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a transformative wave sweeping through the education sector. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have made it more accessible and widely used in classrooms, reshaping the way teachers and students approach learning. 


This also means that traditional education methods are undergoing a profound evolution.

This change affects educators like this:

  • Traditional teaching methods are evolving: Many educators are witnessing a shift from conventional teaching methods to AI-assisted and personalized learning experiences. This adaptation reflects a move from one-size-fits-all education to tailored instruction that meets individual student needs.
  • Increased student engagement: Teachers who embrace AI tools are finding that students are more engaged and motivated in their learning journey. Interactive AI-powered content and smart tutoring systems enhance the education experience, leading to better outcomes.
  • Data-driven instruction: AI enables educators to gain insights from student data, making it easier to identify areas where students may need additional support or enrichment. This shift toward data-driven instruction helps teachers refine their teaching strategies and adapt to the diverse needs of their students.
  • Teacher professional development: The integration of AI in the classroom has also highlighted the importance of ongoing professional development for educators. Teachers need to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to leverage AI tools effectively.
  • Ethical and responsible AI use: With AI becoming a fundamental part of education, educators must emphasize ethical and responsible AI use among students. It’s crucial to teach students about privacy, data security, and the implications of AI technology in the real world.

All of this sounds pretty exciting (and a little scary!) right now. Take another moment to scream into the abyss about the joys and challenges of AI in the classroom.

The USDOE Office of Educational Technology has a brilliant report on AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning, full of insights and recommendations.

4 Things You Should Do Now

People like you and me will always thrive because we proactively adapt and harness the power of emerging technologies to enhance education.

Here are four ways you can ensure your teaching and your students’ learning is strengthened through integrating AI in the classroom.

#1. Ensure You Invest Your Time and Resources Where It Matters

Early in my teaching career, I made the mistake of not embracing technological advancements, thinking they would complicate my teaching process.  I was hesitant to invest my time and resources into exploring new tools and methods. 

At the time, interactive whiteboards were all the rage, and many educators were adopting them to make lessons more engaging and interactive. 

I recall a professional conference session showing examples of how teachers were using these whiteboards effectively.  They were creating dynamic, visual presentations and students were actively participating in lessons. 

I realized I had missed an opportunity to make my lessons more interactive and engaging. My hesitation to embrace the latest technology kept me from enhancing the learning experience of my students.

Many of your colleagues will respond to the rise of AI in the classroom by running out and spending money on the newest innovations right away. Or they will shy away from integrating AI at all. 

Instead, I advise taking the time to get wise on what trends will be here to stay and what is only a flash in the pan. By carefully evaluating AI tools and their impact on student learning, you can make informed decisions about where to invest your time and resources.

Your existing students and their parents will appreciate your dedication to ensuring that technology enhances the learning experience. And they will continue to trust your expertise as an educator.

#2. Get AI Integration Into Your Lesson Plans

This may be something that’s already a part of your educational toolkit, or it may not seem like a priority right now..

However, incorporating AI into your teaching is essential. AI is not just a buzzword. It’s a powerful tool that can revolutionize how your students learn. 

Embracing AI in the classroom can empower you to create personalized learning experiences, gain valuable insights from data, and engage your students in new and exciting ways.

When things start changing rapidly, many of us tend to panic. The educational landscape is evolving faster than ever, with AI playing a central role in shaping the future of learning.

If you have AI integrated into your lesson plans, you will be on the leading edge of effectively using AI in the classroom.

Here are a few ways you can get started:

  1. Leverage AI for personalization. Use AI-powered platforms to provide personalized learning experiences. Use AI to help you brainstorm ways to tailor lessons to individual student strengths and areas for improvement. This helps to enhance engagement and understanding.
  2. Explore educational AI applications. Experiment with AI applications like virtual tutors or chatbots to provide additional support to students and facilitate interactive learning experiences.  I love Khanmigo from Khan Academy!
  3. Teach digital literacy and critical thinking. Integrate lessons on digital literacy and responsible AI use. Encourage students to think critically about AI technology’s implications, ethics, and impact.
  4. Incorporate AI-powered content creation. Experiment with AI tools for creating engaging content. You can use AI to generate visuals, videos, or interactive materials that make your lessons more appealing.

#3. Avoid Digging Your Heels In

It’s only natural to feel overwhelmed or even frustrated with yet another significant change in the education landscape.

Especially because we have only just reacted to the recent changes in teaching methods and curriculum as the pandemic hit the education field so hard. 

Nonetheless, you can’t stop changing with the times. 

Let me tell you about my colleague’s experience. When AI started gaining prominence in late 2022, she was skeptical and resistant to incorporating AI in the classroom. She believed in traditional teaching methods and was worried that students would use this new technology to cheat on assignments.

Now, she has embraced AI for the benefits it provides her as a teacher. She realized that AI could be a powerful ally in providing personalized learning experiences, automating routine tasks, and gaining insights into student performance. My colleague now confidently navigates AI tools. She considers her initial skepticism akin to fearing a calculator when everyone else is using a computer. 

She also empowered her students to view AI as a valuable tool for learning and problem-solving, rather than a means to cut corners or cheat.

By incorporating lessons on digital literacy and ethical AI use in the classroom, she instilled in her students an understanding of how to harness AI. They now use AI for their academic and personal growth, while maintaining academic integrity.

Check out this article on AI tools that teachers are using, courtesy of EdWeek.

#4. Get Your AI Integration Starter Kit

When I recognized the growing demand for AI in the classroom, I knew teachers needed the right tools to start their AI enhanced teaching journey.

This AI Integration Starter Kit will empower you with essential resources. These include a comprehensive AI guide, lesson planning strategies, resource recommendations, and more. These tools will help you seamlessly incorporate AI into your classroom.

For a limited time, readers of this blog will receive the AI Integration Starter Kit for free with the code AIEDUCATE at checkout.

Don’t delay because the discount on this AI Integration Starter Kit will only be available for a short time.

Click the image below to learn more about the AI Integration Starter Kit


Have I addressed your concerns about incorporating AI in the classroom? I sure hope so.

I’m all about making the transition to AI integration as smooth as possible. This way, you can create an engaging and effective learning environment for your students.

That’s why I’ve put together the AI Integration Starter Kit, offered for free, to ensure you have access to these valuable resources.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in 20+ years in education, it is that those who embrace change, seek collaboration, and leverage technological improvements will continue to thrive in the ever-evolving world of education!

So what are you waiting for? Take the first step, grab your AI Integration Starter Kit, and join a community of educators who are shaping the future of learning through AI. 

Remember, I am available to answer any questions here and on Instagram or Facebook.

(You may even spot me on my travels or at a Disney park.)

I look forward to supporting your success!