Elementary students sitting on floor meditating with text overlay, "What is Energetic Classroom Management? A Guide to Transforming Student Behavior"

What Is Energetic Classroom Management? A Guide to Transforming Student Behavior

The goal of every teacher is to create a harmonious and effective learning environment. Energetic classroom management is one way to do this. 

But with the daily challenges of classroom disruptions, it can be hard to maintain control and create a positive atmosphere so you can engage students in meaningful learning. 

Oftentimes, it just comes down to shifting strategies. So what worked yesterday won’t work today.

Maybe you’ve been implementing traditional behavior management techniques and wondering why they aren’t as effective as you hoped. 

It can make you feel frustrated. 

Today, you’re in luck! I’m going to share an innovative approach called energetic classroom management that will help you transform student behavior, improve focus, and create a harmonious classroom without complex systems for classroom management. 

I’ll cover the concept of energetic classroom management, how it works, and how you can get started.

Keep reading for more details.

What Is Energetic Classroom Management?

Energetic classroom management is an approach that incorporates energy healing practices such as intention setting, gridding, and using energy dynamics to create a harmonious and focused learning environment.

It aims to balance the classroom’s energy, enhance student engagement, and reduce disruptive behavior.

Everything is Energy

 The concept of “everything is energy” is rooted in the idea that all matter, including our thoughts and emotions, is made up of energy. This means that the energy we bring into a space can influence the overall atmosphere and behavior within that space.

Who would benefit from it? 

Teachers looking for innovative ways to manage their classrooms and improve student behavior would benefit greatly from energetic classroom management. 

Energetic classroom management draws on the idea of “everything is energy” by using energy techniques to balance and align the classroom environment. By creating a positive and harmonious energy field, teachers can reduce disruptive behaviors and enhance student focus and engagement. 

This approach provides a practical solution for classroom management by addressing the underlying energetic dynamics that affect student behavior and learning outcomes.

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Why Is Energetic Classroom Management Important?

Statistics show that classrooms with balanced energy and positive environments have 30% fewer behavioral issues and 20% higher student engagement rates.

This means that creating a harmonious classroom environment can significantly impact student behavior and overall learning outcomes. Here are some statistics on embedding mindfulness into classrooms.

Most teachers don’t have time to constantly manage disruptive behavior and create new strategies daily. By implementing energetic classroom management, you’ll be able to save time and reduce stress by creating a balanced and positive learning environment that naturally minimizes disruptions.

This way, you will create a space where students are more engaged and focused.

Also, energetic classroom management gives you the ability to target the root causes of behavioral issues and address them through energy alignment techniques.

That means you won’t have to spend hours managing disruptive behavior.

Energetic Classroom Management Examples

If energetic classroom management sounds overwhelming or “woo woo”, I get it.

The idea of using energy healing practices in the classroom can seem abstract or unconventional, especially if you’re used to more traditional management techniques. 

It might feel like a big leap from the usual methods of handling classroom behavior. However, these practices are grounded in the understanding that our environment and mindset significantly impact student behavior and learning outcomes. By harnessing the power of positive energy dynamics, you can create a more harmonious and effective learning environment.

So, I put together the examples below to break it down for you, making it easy to get started with energetic classroom management.

Example #1. Intention Setting

Intention setting involves consciously deciding on a positive focus or goal for the classroom’s energy each day. This practice helps create a shared sense of purpose and positivity among students and teachers.

How to Implement:

  • Start Your Day with Reflection: Before your students arrive, take a few minutes to sit quietly and reflect on what you want to achieve that day. Think about the kind of energy you want to bring into the classroom.
  • Set a Clear Intention: Formulate a clear and positive intention. For example, you might decide, “Today, I intend to foster a peaceful and focused learning environment.”
  • Share with Students: At the beginning of the class, share this intention with your students. Encourage them to contribute their own positive intentions for the day. This can be done during morning meetings or a designated intention-setting time.
  • Reinforce Throughout the Day: Remind students of the intention during transitions or challenging moments to help realign the classroom energy.

Benefit: Setting daily intentions creates a collective focus and helps maintain a positive and harmonious classroom environment. It encourages mindfulness and helps students feel more connected and purposeful.

Example #2. Gridding the Classroom

Gridding involves placing crystals or other energy tools in specific patterns around the classroom to create a grid of positive energy. This practice helps stabilize and harmonize the energy within the space.

How to Implement:

  • Choose Your Crystals: Select crystals known for their calming and focusing properties, such as amethyst (for calming), clear quartz (for clarity), and rose quartz (for emotional balance).
  • Cleanse the Crystals: Before placing them, cleanse your crystals to remove any residual energy. You can do this by holding them under running water, placing them in sunlight, or using sage smoke.
  • Create the Grid: Place the crystals in a grid pattern around the classroom. Common patterns include the square (one crystal in each corner) or the circle (crystals placed in a circular arrangement). Ensure the grid covers the entire classroom to maximize its effects.
  • Activate the Grid: Once the crystals are in place, set the intention to activate the grid. You can do this by visualizing a web of light connecting the crystals, or by verbally stating your intention to harmonize the classroom energy.

Benefit: Gridding helps maintain a stable and positive energy field in the classroom, reducing disruptions and fostering a calm and focused environment. It can also serve as a visual reminder for students to stay grounded and centered.

Example #3. Energy Practices

Incorporating energy practices like breathwork, mindfulness, and visualization into your daily routine can significantly enhance the classroom environment. These practices help students manage their energy, reduce stress, and improve focus.

How to Implement:


  1. Mindful Moments:
    • How to Implement: Dedicate a few minutes each day to mindfulness exercises. This can include sitting quietly and focusing on the breath or practicing mindful listening by focusing on ambient sounds. Encourage students to close their eyes and take deep breaths, noticing the sensation of the air entering and leaving their bodies.
    • In Practice: Use a chime or a bell to signal the beginning and end of the mindfulness practice. Ask students to pay attention to the sound of the bell and notice when they can no longer hear it. This practice can help ground students and bring their attention to the present moment.
  2. Benefit: Mindfulness enhances awareness and presence, helping students stay focused and engaged. It also promotes emotional regulation and reduces stress.
  3. Mindful Activities:
    • How to Implement: Incorporate mindfulness into daily activities, such as mindful eating during snack time or mindful walking during transitions. Ask students to pay attention to their senses and the physical sensations of these activities. For example, during snack time, encourage students to eat slowly, noticing the taste, texture, and smell of their food.
    • In Practice: During transitions, guide students to walk mindfully by paying attention to each step and the feeling of their feet touching the ground. This can help them move from one activity to another with more awareness and calmness.
  4. Benefit: Mindful activities help students develop a habit of being present in the moment, which can improve their focus and reduce anxiety.


  1. Guided Visualizations:
    • How to Implement: Lead students through guided visualizations where they imagine a calm and peaceful place. This can be used to start the day or as a relaxation technique during stressful moments. Describe a scene in detail, inviting students to visualize the sights, sounds, and feelings of the place. For example, you might guide them to imagine a serene beach, feeling the warmth of the sun and hearing the gentle waves.
    • In Practice: Use a soft, soothing voice to guide the visualization, and encourage students to close their eyes and fully immerse themselves in the imagined environment.
  2. Benefit: Visualization helps students develop a positive mindset and can improve their emotional regulation and resilience. It’s a powerful tool for building self-confidence and reducing performance anxiety.
  3. Positive Imagery:
    • How to Implement: Encourage students to visualize their goals and successes. For example, before a test, guide them to visualize themselves feeling confident and performing well. This practice can help boost their confidence and reduce anxiety. Ask them to picture themselves understanding the questions, answering calmly, and feeling proud of their efforts.
    • In Practice: During goal-setting activities, have students create vision boards with images and words that represent their aspirations. Regularly revisit these boards and guide students through visualizations where they imagine achieving their goals.
  4. Benefit: Positive imagery reinforces a growth mindset and helps students stay motivated and focused on their objectives. It can also improve their ability to handle challenges with a positive outlook.

Tips for Success

Here are a few tips to help you maximize your results with energetic classroom management:

First, Start with Simple Practices

To achieve the best energetic classroom management results, you have to continually focus on balancing and aligning the classroom’s energy. When you create a cohesive and balanced energy environment, you effectively improve student behavior and focus.

For example: 

Set a Daily Intention: At the beginning of each day, take a few moments to set a clear, positive intention for how you want the day to go. Share this intention with your students to create a collective focus.

For better results, make sure you regularly assess the energy flow in your classroom and make adjustments as needed. This way, your classroom will continually benefit from a positive and balanced energy environment.

Related Post: Energy Management Mastery: A Beginner’s Guide for Teachers

Next, Integrate Energy Practices into Your Routine

When you integrate these practices into your daily routine, you provide a consistent and supportive environment for your students.

In other words, you guide your students through a balanced and focused learning experience.

To get started:

  1. Think about where your students feel most comfortable in the classroom.
  2. Identify areas where energy seems stagnant or chaotic.
  3. Monitor and adjust seating arrangements to enhance positive energy flow.

Finally, Encourage Student Participation

Nowadays, students prefer engaging activities that make them feel part of the classroom community. If you want to boost engagement, you can’t overlook the importance of involving students in energy practices.

For example: 

Incorporate Simple Energy Exercises: Teach your students simple energy exercises, such as deep breathing or visualization, to help them manage their own energy and focus.

And if the idea of integrating energy practices into your classroom makes you feel uncertain, consider this: Studies show that classrooms with integrated energy practices see improved student behavior and higher engagement rates.

That means if you don’t implement these steps, you’re missing out on a powerful tool to enhance your classroom environment.

One thing you can do is start with small, manageable changes and gradually incorporate more practices as you and your students become more comfortable with them.

Grab my free Teacher Mindset Cheat Sheet here. >>

Start Energetic Classroom Management Today

I hope this guide on energetic classroom management has been helpful. If you take anything away from this guide, remember that balancing and aligning classroom energy can transform student behavior and create a more harmonious learning environment.

The best way to implement energetic classroom management is to start with simple practices like setting daily intentions and using energy dynamics. This way, you can set yourself up for a more focused and engaging classroom.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to give it a go?

Get More Strategies with the Classroom Management Toolkit

Now that you know the ins and outs of energetic classroom management, it’s time to take the next step and enhance your teaching strategies with my Classroom Management Toolkit. This comprehensive toolkit includes practical strategies and scripts to complement the energetic practices shared in this post, helping you create a harmonious and effective learning environment.

The Classroom Management Toolkit includes everything you need to implement effective classroom management techniques, from detailed guides and step-by-step instructions to ready-to-use scripts for common classroom situations.

Don’t miss out on this valuable resource – purchase your Classroom Management Toolkit today! >>